Managing any kind of business is always going to be a challenging endeavor and there are no exceptions for carpet cleaning franchises. You’ll be required to constantly keep evolving in order to keep up with technology and the competition that you could be facing. A lot of managers will not want to get the basics right yet it is important in running a successful carpet cleaning franchise. Here are some tips that will come in handy if you’re looking to successfully manage a carpet cleaning franchise.

Pay Close Attention to Communication

As they say, management is  90% working with people. This means that communication will play a big role in the process. For a carpeting cleaning franchise, there will be some expectations to be met and it will hugely depend on how the goals are communicated from the top management to the employees. The focus should be on customer satisfaction and the staff will always need to be reminded of this fact. There should be clear and transparent channels when it comes to communication. Management might use communication the wrong way to provide the wrong signals which could hurt the operations of the business.

Establishing Values

Why would a carpet cleaning franchise be concerned about establishing values one might ask?  Values can be seen as a behavioral pattern that shows what the whole business is all about. It is important that you have ideals. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll stand for everything and you’d not want to also involve the employees in such a quagmire. According to recent research done by Gallup, only 33% of the United States workforce is engaged at work. This means that you could be getting half of the work you pay for. That is why it is important that you’re clear with the values of the business so that employees are aware of the onset.

Stay Committed

Team members need to trust each other for the company to be successful. When there is mistrust, they’ll try as much as possible to avoid each other in order to prevent conflict. This will have a direct bearing on the productivity of the team. Lack of commitment can interfere with team dynamics. There needs to be an environment where conflict resolution is normalized so that is not affecting other spheres of the work process.


One of the big problems with carpet cleaning franchises is the lack of clarity of vision from the top management. There is a need for alignment of core principles so that everyone in the company is on the same page. You might invest in team building and education but it won’t matter one bit when the leaders of the company are not sharing the vision and values.

The focus should be on the team effort for the franchise to be a success. All the processes will need to be synced so that everyone in the company is aware of what is expected of them at any given moment.